Dear Visitor,
Greetings from Distant India Journeys!!
This section gives us an opportunity to interact with you and tell us what we love to do.
At Distant India Journeys, we come to work very day because we want each and every person in the world to see our beautiful country India.
Let me explain........
Distant India Journeys is a complete destination management company offering specialized tours for India and its subcontinents. We are well known in organising customized tours for India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. Our aim is to provide unique experience to our valuable guest along with personalized services so that they carry millions of unforgettable memories of their journey to India.
Our specialty is to turn ordinary trips into memorable experiential journeys; fine tuned to clients specific preferences, in order to ensure that no expectation is left unmet. Dedicated team of 5 professionals, works with an objective to concentrate on client’s needs and interest, ensures that the guest gets a hassle free holiday with unprecedented levels of service and luxury.
We have our associate offices throughout India and its sub-continents. The network is linked through the most efficient means of communication and each office is well equipped with the most modern office facilities. The Ideology is simple and aims to apply best management practices in an atmosphere of intellectual honesty.
Take a simple look at our great mission. Travel with confidence is it not on the front or back burner of people's minds Is it enough to drive any company's culture and inspire employees? Or, is it brought out like a what-were-they-thinking wedding gift that sees the light of day only when the in-laws visit? Our mission statement is essentially immutable. Carve it in granite and display it behind unbreakable glass. Market forces, business strategies, and senior management may shift, but a good and core purpose of company is timeless. Through boom and bust, our mission will always be to solve unsolved problems creatively." Like, even when we face high competition that may impacts our marketing tactics, we do not change our mission it remains "To understand the joy of advance and latest technologies for the benefit of the public."These missions don't mention profits or shareholder value. The purpose is to inspire people to engross themselves into the job they love and make a difference in the world. The power of a well-stated mission depends on its unifying result. Like a maestro, it directs everyone to sing the same song in the right tempo and in the right key. Without a codified job or when a job statement gathers dust like a gold-plated tablet in some long-forgotten storeroom -- oomph and gusto give way to lethargy. We design our business for individual at a time; each individual client or customer has just as much important as the next. We have got to relate with our lead or prospect and discover what is his or her need or wants, then decide what products or services we have that can fulfill your needs or wants. There is no doubt, prospects have many opportunities out there in today's world, and the internet is a great medium to fulfill their informatics demands. We can imagine; they make a choice on whether they are going to invest their time and money with us. So, we always try to go out and attract new prospects along with satisfied clients. It requires advertising, time and money. Many times I observe people spend too much time and trying to attract new members in spite of taking feedback from previous. We focus to deliver best service to the current and the getting best feedback, then to spend time working closely with their current referrals. To enhance our abilities, we work with full zest and zeal. So, we think Having a few more Super Stars could be more advantageous than having 20 pedestrian team members..